Unique Aquatic Diagnostic Lab Internship Prepares Grad for Biomedical Forensic Sciences Program

Emma Morin ’23, a Forensic Science major and Criminal Justice minor, will attend Boston University for its M.S. in Biomedical Forensic Sciences program. Morin hopes to one day conduct DNA analysis for a crime lab.
Standout Lab Experience: “Beginning my first year, I had an internship with the Aquatic Diagnostic Lab at RWU. I got to do genetic analyses on shellfish and extracted DNA from oysters. I gained a lot of experience doing what I want to do in the future in a crime lab but just on shellfish versus human DNA. BU found it really impressive that I had so much lab experience and how rigorous the Forensic Science classes are here. It set me up so well.”
Virtual Reality: “We’re so lucky to have Dr. (Karla-Sue) Marriott. She’s added so much to the Forensic Science program. We have a lot of things you can’t find at other schools. When she took over the program, she brought with her virtual reality programs. I got to take her Crime Scene Investigations course and practice taking down crime scenes and bagging evidence in virtual reality. As a student, we can’t go to an actual crime scene and work because it isn’t safe. The VR is so cool and helpful for visualizing.”
Combining Disciplines: “Roger’s Forensic Science program stood out to me. It’s the only program that had both Biology and Chemistry tracks and most schools only have a Chemistry track. I’m better and more interested in Biology. With Biology, you can go on to be a medical examiner. Also, Forensic Science majors are required to take some Criminal Justice classes. I found some of my classes really interesting and added it as a minor. I’ve always had a concern with equity in the criminal justice system. Taking Criminal Justice courses seemed like the logical thing to do to educate myself on the system I want to be a part of and to know what I’m going into fully.”
Morin, of Cumberland, R.I., was a member of the Honors Program, Forensic Science club and played on the intramural beach volleyball team.
Every spring, as Commencement nears, RWU spotlights members of the graduating class. Suggestions are welcome. Email: stories@yuandianwan.com
Celebrating our RWU Graduates